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 Det er dommen til sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen for fire drabsforsøg på patienterchristina aistrup hansen facebook She's a nurse with a mysterious background

In June of 2016, Christina was sentenced for four murders and attempted murders in accordance with Section 237. It is a well-researched book on the crime, the criminal, and the Danish healthcare, law enforcement, and judicial systems. Wesley Matthews. The premiere episode of The Nurse takes us back in time to 2012 as we meet an older gentleman named Arne. Hansen was the hospital’s top nurse, adored by all. Currently, He is living in , and working as Activist. Foto: Anders Knudsen, arkivfoto. Share on facebook. The revelations was. . Soon, other coworkers revealed their own concerns about Hansen. People. I 2017 blev den danske sygeplejerske på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus Christina Aistrup Hansen dømt for fire tilfælde af forsøg på manddrab. For this reason, Christina Aistrup Hansen’s life imprisonment sentence was appealed by her, and she was finally given a prison sentence of twelve years in the end. The series. Den ni-årige datter af Sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen, som er dømt for. But why hasn't anyone responded? And where is the evidence? The Nurse is based on the true story of the Danish nurse, Christina Aistrup Hansen, who was sentenced to life in 2016 for four counts of attempted murder. Christina Aistrup Hansen hed sygeplejersken, der har nægtet sig skyldig, men blev dømt. Her er hovedskuespillerne Josephine Park, der spiller serieforbryderen Christina Aistrup Hansen, og Fanny Louise Bernth, der spiller sygeplejersken Pernille Kurzmann Lundén, også kommet på alles læber. Christina Aistrup Hansen was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Pl visit my second channel, if you're interested in Movies Ending Explanations etc contents. " The upcoming series promises us a gritty and nail-biting crime story. Her fik hun en god veninde, som hun i flere år var meget sammen med, og som gerne vil fortælle om deres tid sammen dengang. Netop derfor har holdet bag Netflix-serien gjort sig mange tanker om, hvordan historien skulle fortælles. Sygehus blev i dag kendt skyldig for tiltalen om at have begået tre drab og et drabsforsøg. Forsvarer Michael Juul Eriksen vil ikke forud for retssagen sige noget om. 31-årige Christina Aistrup Hansen er fredag blevet kendt skyldig i tre drab og et drabsforsøg på patienter på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, hvor hun var ansat som sygeplejerske. marts 2015 efter en nattevagt på det lokale sygehus, hvor flere patienter var døde. Email to a friend. Ude og Hjemme opridser her sygeplejerskesagen fra Nykøbing Falster. Serien er baseret på den virkelige sag om sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen, der er dømt for fire drabsforsøg mod patienter på sygehuset i Nykøbing Falster, hvor hun var ansat. Facebook: Not Available: Fast Facts You Need To Know. Christina Aistrup Hansen (born in 1984) was a Danish nurse who made headlines in June 2016 when she was convicted of the murder of three patients and attempted. La enfermera. Christina Hansen (footballer) (born 1970), Danish footballer. Nu bliver sygeplejerskesagen fra Nykøbing Falster til en Netflix-serie. La vera storia di Christina Aistrup Hansen. . Alle Beteiligten kommen zu Wort – die Ermittler ebenso wie Christina Aistrup Hansen selbst. It took the intervention of new employee Pernille Kurzmann Larsen and her partner Niels Lundén to set events in motion that would lead to her eventual arrest. I 2017 blev hun dog i Østre Landsret frikendt for drab, men dømt skyldig i fire drabsforsøg, og straffen blev sat ned fra livstid til 12 års fængsel. Politiken-journalist Kristian Corfixen skrev i 2019 bogen 'Sygeplejersken' om Christina Aistrup Hansen, som blev dømt efter en række mystiske dødsfald. She suspected her colleague, fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, of deliberately killing patients - and she feared it had just happened again. Facebook: Wikipedia: Christina Aistrup Hansen Wikipedia: Imdb: You may also like. Hvis ikke man ved, at serien i høj grad er baseret på virkelige hændelser, er det svært at forestille sig, at det kan finde sted. Den grufulde historie om den danske sygeplejerske Christina Aistrup Hansen har holdt folk klistret til skærmen i hele verden. Pronto se destapó un caso que dejaría una profunda huella en la. The Danish TV series The Nurse, released on Netflix in 2023, is based on the true story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a night nurse sentenced in 2017 for murder. She was subsequently found guilty of the. Baseret på den sande historie om Christina Aistrup Hansen, der blev dømt for mordforsøg på fire patienter på Nykøbing Falster Hospital. Soon, other coworkers revealed their own. Danish nurse who killed several patients. marts 2015. I fængslet tæller hun ned. Selv har han ikke mødt hende, efter at hun gik ud af skolen efter 10. Andersen. Christina Aistrup Hansen Net Worth. W trakcie procesu miało jednak wyjść na jaw jeszcze więcej. Maiky Fecunda. Christina Abildtrup Hansen. Det var hans kæreste, sygeplejersken Pernille, der først fattede mistanke. Det oplyser anklagemyndigheden ved Sydsjællands og Lolland-Falsters Politi i en pressemeddelelse. Her ses sygeplejersken fra Nykøbing Falster, Christina Aistrup Hansen. februar i 2015 havde vagt med Christina. When Pernille Kurzmann began working at Nykøbing Falster Hospital in Denmark, she was fresh out of nursing school and had trouble befriending the more experienced health care workers around her — until she met Christina Aistrup Hansen. La donna sospetta che Christina Aistrup Hansen, una sua collega, abbia ucciso di proposito alcuni pazienti e teme che sia appena successo di nuovo. When Pernille Kurzmann began working at Nykøbing Falster Hospital in Denmark, she was fresh out of nursing school and had trouble befriending the more experienced health care workers around her — until she met Christina Aistrup Hansen. View the profiles of people named Chris Aistrup. Christina Aistrup Hansen//Image Credit: Ekstra Bladet. Published. Además, del. Christina Aistrup Hansen, the Danish nurse who was found to be drugging patients lethally and putting their lives at risk, was diagnosed with a histrionic personality disorder when a forensic psychological. Sagen om den drabssigtede sygeplejerske på sygehuset rullede i 2015, hvor sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen blev anholdt og sigtet for tre drab og et drabsforsøg. ’ “He was unable to get up and could not. Afgørelsen blev på stedet anket til Østre Landsret, der behandlede sagen i foråret 2017. Pernille Kurzmann Larsen is the focus of the Netflix Danish series “The Nurse,” which is based on Kristian Corfixen’s book “The Nurse: Inside Denmark’s Most Shocking Criminal Trial. The Nurse, a Danish thriller series directed by Kasper Barfoed, recounts the story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a nurse who was arrested in March 2015 for allegedly killing her patients at. 2017. 0 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from What to Watch // Film- og serieanmeldelser: Mord og menneskelighed - Interview med Josephine Park Josephine Park spiller. . Email to a friend. Danish. - Entertainment Daily Research PlotI dag er han overrasket over dommen på 12 års fængsel for fire drabsforsøg. In The Nurse, Pernille grows suspicious of her competent coworker, Christina, and soon discovers that Christina is not the good nurse that everyone believes her to be. When Pernille Kurzmann began working at Nykøbing Falster Hospital in Denmark, she was fresh out of nursing school and had trouble befriending the more experienced health care workers around her — until she met Christina Aistrup Hansen. april. Hun blev i første omgang idømt livsvarigt fængsel for forholdene, men blev i Østre Landsret frikendt for drabene, og blev i stedet idømt 12 års fængsel for fire. However, Pernille soon discovers a dark secret about Christina. On this basis, the court changed Hansen's punishment from life to 12 years in prison. Her ses sygeplejersken fra Nykøbing Falster, Christina Aistrup Hansen. She was sentenced to life imprisonment for the deaths of the three patients, but. With a big voice and an even bigger heart, beloved singer, songwriter, fan-favorite fr. Josephine Park as Christina Aistrup Hansen and Fanny Louise Bernth as Pernille Kurzmann in The Nurse. Under retssagen er det kommet frem, at der var specielt meget drama på hendes vagter med dødsfald, hjertestop eller styrtblødninger, og at de gik under navnet. LÆS OGSÅ: WOW: Kaspar og Lambang viser nyt hus frem It is a well-researched book on the crime, the criminal, and the Danish healthcare, law enforcement, and judicial systems. Altså den gamle sag om Christina Aistrup Hansen? Reply. Wypróbuj aplikację BookBeat przez pierwszy miesiąc za darmo: 2023. What happens at the end of The nurse on Netflix? Where are the real Christina Aistrup Hansen and Pernilla Kurzmann today? Spoilers ahead for The nurse on Netflix The four-part series follows a new nurse named Pernille as she slowly realizes… Continue reading The. Netflix's The Nurse is based on the true story of Pernille Kurzmann, the nurse who brought to light the horrific crimes of fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen. Niels Lundén er den læge, der med sin henvendelse til politiet startede den meget omtalte såkaldte ‘Christina-sag’, som i maj 2017 mundede ud i, at sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen ved Østre Landsret blev idømt 12 års ubetinget fængsel for fire drabsforsøg. When Pernille starts working at Nykøbing Falster Hospital as a nurse, she is trained by the hospital’s most. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Netflix recently announced the premiere of a true-crime thriller drama series titled 'The Nurse' from Denmark, which follows a Danish nurse (Pernille Kurzmann Larsen) who suspects her colleague (Christina Aistrup Hansen) of murdering patients and reports her to the authorities. In the early hours of March 1, 2015, Danish police received an alarming call from a nurse at a provincial hospital. Bustle. Hansen is a popular and well. Netflix's The Nurse is based on the true story of Pernille Kurzmann, the nurse who brought to light the horrific crimes of fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen. After they form a professional bond, Pernille finds out that Christina is involved in the multiple inexplicable deaths that happened at their ER. Produced by SAM Productions and directed by Kasper Barfoed, The Nurse stars Josephine Park, who plays the Danish nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, and Fanny Louise Bernth as the colleague Pernille Kurzmann Larsen. al/0zBlXO2. Share on pinterest. Learn all about Christina Aistrup Hansen before The Nurse. Her kan du se de emner, som indgår i denne artikel. Hun skal ikke dømmes på en mavefornemmelse,« siger Henrik Hansen i programmet. Veninden har dog ønsket at være anonym, men Folketidende kender hendes navn. Here's everything to know about the 2015 case and where Christina Aistrup Hansen is today. - Jeg kan ikke sætte ord. Christina Aistrup Hansen is a character in the Danish medical crime series The Nurse. April 27, 2023. The problem, however, was that he created emergencies himself. Facebook gives people the power to. Foto: RASMUSSEN PER ”Sygeplejersken” ges ut i. Hansen was the hospital’s top nurse, adored by all. It´s not the same story as The Good Nurse, which I haven´t seen yet, but along the same lines. Lær dem bedre at kende her. En sag, der endte med, at landsretten i 2017 kendte Christina Aistrup Hansen skyldig i at have forsøgt at slå fire mennesker ihjel med morfin og stesolid. 613 views, 3 likes, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Reels from Roy J Rizo D'Arthenay: #LaEnfermera una serie corta de #Netflix, basada en hechos reales. This page was last edited on 28 April 2023, at 16:40. Sygeplejerske dømt for seriedrab. A medida que Pernille profundiza en sus sospechas, comienza a creer que el comportamiento de Christina puede estar. Den drabsdømte sygeplejerske Christina Aistrup Hansen skal ikke drømme om at få sit job på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus tilbage, selv om hun skulle blive frikendt, når Østre Landsret skal behandle hendes ankesag. . Hansen was sentenced to four murders and attempted murder after giving lethal doses of morphine and diazepam to her sick patients. The Nurse (2023) is a Netflix original miniseries that follows the chilling true story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a nurse in Denmark who was accused of multiple horrific crimes. Her fik hun en god veninde, som hun i flere år var meget sammen med, og som gerne vil fortælle om deres tid sammen dengang. What Did Christina Aistrup Hansen Do? In 2016, Christina Aistrup Hansen was apprehended for the demise of three patients at Nykobing Falster Hospital in Denmark. She befriends a charming and charismatic nurse named Christina Aistrup Hansen, who’s held in high esteem by her colleagues and incredible at her job. Share on facebook. A história se passa em um hospital na Dinamarca, onde a. Christina Aistrup Hansen története néhány év alatt megjárta a hírhedt sorozatgyilkosok lassan tipikusnak számító, könyveken és képernyőkön át vezető útját: a 2017-ben elítélt ápolónő ügyéről két évvel később egy fiatal újságíró, Kristian Corfixen írt könyvet (The Nurse: The True Story Behind One Of. Da sygeplejerske Christina Aistrup Hansen i 2015 blev arresteret for drabsforsøg på akutafdelingen på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, skete det efter, at hendes kollega Pernille sammen med sin kæreste og overlæge Niels Lunden meldte hende til politiet for at stå bag flere uforklarlige dødsfald på afdelingen. »Skyldig. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on. The Nurse true story: Where are Pernille Kurzman and Christina Aistrup Hansen now? trib. Pernille Kurzmann quickly realizes that working a night shift with Christina Aistrup Hansen at the hospital in Lolland Falster is not like most shifts. The fact that the woman continues to deny all of the charges to this very day makes it evident that she does not feel any guilt or remorse for her actions. Netflix har netop offentliggjort de første trailere og annonceret, at den danske serie ´The Nurse´om den for fire drabsforsøg dømte sygeplejerske Christina Aistrup Hansen fra Nykøbing Falster Sygehus får premiere 27. Sagen tog sin begyndelse i marts 2015, hvor hun blev anholdt efter en nattevagt på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, hvor tre patienter. Kristian Corfixen beschreibt die Ereignisse, die zu einer zwölfjährigen Haftstrafe für Christina Aistrup Hansen führten. Hun afsoner stadig sin straf. Forsvarer Jørgen Lange ankede. Michael Wight. This is a Danish true crime miniseries I watched on Netflix. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on. Det meste af tiden foregik det på Herlev Hospital. Christina Aistrup Hansen. Til at begynde med blev Christina Aistrup Hansen idømt livstid for tre drab og et drabsforsøg, men landsretten omstødte senere dommen til 12 års fængsel. Hun blev i byretten idømt livstid for tre drab og et drabsforsøg på patienter. View the profiles of people named Christina Aistrup. Christina Aistrup Hansen was sentenced to 12 years in prison. The Nurse, a Danish thriller series directed by Kasper Barfoed, recounts the story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a nurse who was arrested in March 2015 for allegedly killing her patients at. All charges against Christina were hence reduced to attempted manslaughter, but she was still stripped of her license while also being convicted of needlessly dosing her 7-year-old daughter with high amounts of sleeping pills. Una madrugada de marzo de 2015, la policía danesa recibió la llamada de una enfermera del hospital en Nykøbing Falster. Head Writers Dorte W. She soon befriends the very charming and charismatic nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen who at first seems to be one of a kind, loved by everyone, incredible at her job and always first on the spot in. Det meste af tiden foregik det på Herlev Hospital. The story is told from the point of view of her colleague Pernille Kurzmann, a new medical school. Hør historien om sygeplejersken, der forsøgte at slå sine patienter ihjel - politiken. A few years later, Pernille Kurzmann Larsen is preparing to. Selvom Østrelandsret i 2017 dømte hende…Serien er produceret af holdet (SAM Productions) bag den tidligere danske, succesrige Netflix-serie ´Kastanjemanden´. The four-part series stars Josephine Park as Christina Aistrup Hansen, the nurse suspected of killing patients, and Fanny Louise Bernth as Kurzmann, the new nurse who brought the crimes to light. I landsretten er straffen nedsat til 12 år bag tremmer. The patients were a 72-year-old man who died in 2012 and two more patients, an 86-year-old woman and a 66-year-old man, who died on the same day, February 28, 2015. The patients were a 72-year-old man who died in 2012 and two more patients, an 86-year-old woman and a 66-year-old man, who died on the same day, February 28, 2015. As Pernille delves deeper into her suspicions, she starts to believe that Christina's behavior may be linked to a series of patient deaths. It took the intervention of new employee Pernille Kurzmann Larsen and her partner Niels Lundén to set events in motion that would lead to her eventual arrest. We doubt if she is available in real or has any private account. She soon befriends the very charming and charismatic nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen who at first seems to be one of a kind, loved by everyone, incredible at her job and always first on the spot in. View the profiles of people named Christina Hansen. Som Corfixen fortalte i et interview til Ekko, er hvert eneste ord i bogen hentet gennem. Detaljer om materialet Kort beskrivelse . og 3. The Nurse is about the real former nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, a Danish woman sentenced to. Niels Lundén var indtil foråret 2018 overlæge på akutmodtagelsen. Created by Kasper Barfoed, Netflix’s Danish series ‘The Nurse’ revolves around Pernille Kurzmann Larsen, a nurse who joins the emergency department of Nykøbing Falster Hospital. BOOKBEAT ZAGADKI (dost. In the early hours of March 1, 2015, Danish police received an alarming call from a nurse at a provincial hospital. Derefter skal Christina Aistrup Hansen afhøres tirsdag eftermiddag, onsdag og torsdag før der holdes pause i to uger. Born in 1984, Christina Aistrup Hansen was a nurse at Nykøbing Falster Hospital and was 31 when the allegations were made against her, claiming that she had been deliberately killing patients under her care by administering lethal doses of morphine and diazepam. Unfortunately, we find him in bad shape when he. Sygeplejersken,. Christina Aistrup Hansen (born 1985), Danish nurse. Credits: Netflix. In 2017, Christina Aistrup Hansen was convicted of four counts of attempted murder and received a sentence of 12 years in prison. Se levantó una investigación oficial y tras un mes en un caso que involucró a más de 70 testigos, Christina Aistrup Hansen fue condenada por cuatro cargos de intento de asesinato involuntario. When Pernille Kurzmann began working at Nykøbing Falster Hospital in Denmark, she was fresh out of nursing school and had trouble befriending the more experienced health care workers around her — until she met Christina Aistrup Hansen. Compartido0 Facebook Twitter. 811 likes, 60 loves, 197 comments, 890 shares, Facebook Video from Netflix: Nurse Pernille begins to question the odd behaviour of her colleague, Christina Aistrup Hansen. dk. Adapted from the book of the same title by Kristian Corfixen and directed by Kasper Barfoed, it tells the true story of newly graduated nurse Pernille Kurzmann Larsen, who begins to suspect that a celebrated senior colleague, Christina Aistrup Hansen, might be killing her patients. Pl visit my second channel, if you're interested in Movies Ending Explanations etc contents. See full list on readysteadycut. The nurse in question, Christina Hansen, is the. Christina Aistrup Hansen (born August 13th, 1984) is a former Danish nurse who was charged with the murder of four patients and attempted manslaughter of a fifth at the Nykøbing Falster Hospital. Christina Hansen, 31, was found guilty of administering overdoses of morphine and the sedative diazepam to three elderly patients at a hospital in the southern town of Nykobing Falster between 2012 and 2015. Sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen - i pressen døbt 'Dødens engel'. Se Fanny Louise Bernth og Josephine Park i Sygeplejersken – kommer på Netflix næste år! These projects — one film, one documentary, and one TV show — suggest killer healthcare workers transcend mediums and international borders: Netflix's latest, The Nurse, trades the United States for Denmark as it dramatizes the harrowing story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for four counts of attempted. Dokumentarisk beretning om den spektakulære drabssag "Sygeplejerskesagen" fra Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, der fandt sin afslutning i 2017 med fængslingen af den. Josephine Park as Christina. The nurse is a new Danish thriller series based on a scary true story. Østre Landsret ændrede dommen til Christina Aistrup Hansen fra livsvarigt til 12 års fængsel. COPENHAGEN, DENMARK: Netflix’s new offering is a show called ‘The Nurse’ based on Kristian Corfixen’s book, ‘The Nurse: Inside Denmark's Most Sensational Criminal Trial’ which uncovers the life of Christian Aistrup Hansen, a nurse working at the Nykobing Falster Hospital in Denmark who was held responsible for the murder of four patients while being investigated for countless others. Just as in the series, Kurzmann began working at the Nykøbing Falster Hospital in Denmark when she was fresh out of nursing school. En sygeplejerske på sygehuset, ved navn Christina Aistrup Hansen blev mistænkt for at stå bag dødsfaldende. Jeg kom tæt på de her mennesker, som ikke bare var cpr-numre i. Sprawy tzw. The Nurse is available on Netflix now. The Nurse, a Danish thriller series directed by Kasper Barfoed, recounts the story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a nurse who was arrested in March 2015 for allegedly killing her patients at. April 27, 2023. En la vida real, Christina es la responsable de las lesiones de una gran cantidad de pacientes, además de la muerte de Viggo Holm Petersen, Anna Lise Poulsen y Arne Hersko, a quienes debía cuidar. It presents a fleshed out, rounded account of the events. torsdag 9. Det her omtales som en af de mest spektakulære drabssager i Danmark nogensinde. Sygehus tilbage i 2015, hvor hun arbejdede. However, this was the result of her appealing the original 2016 District Court conviction, where she was convicted of three counts of murder and one count of attempted murder and given a life sentence. april på Netflix!En mai 2023, Christina Aistrup Hansen est toujours incarcérée dans une prison danoise et a été dépouillée de son permis d’exercer en tant qu’infirmière. Det skyldtes især, at en lang række kollegaer til Christina Aistrup Hansen pegede på sygeplejersken som mulig gerningsmand, og at hun selv kom med en tvivlsom forklaring i retten. Sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen havde valgt at blive i sin celle, da hendes skæbne torsdag formiddag blev afgjort. Ver ahora Descargar. Ja søsteren havde kræft men ikke døende men hun døde pludseligt, da Christina var til stede 😬 Christina er løsladt og tilbage på face under sit eget navn Reply More posts you may like. marts 2015 blev sygeplejerske Christina Aistrup Hansen anholdt og sigtet for et drabsforsøg. She suspected her colleague, fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, of deliberately killing patients - and she feared it had just happened again. I maj 2017 blev sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen idømt 12 års fængsel i Landsretten for drabsforsøg på fire patienter. 1. Christina Aistrup age is 36 years as of in 2021 and his birthplace is . Corfixen interviewed the nurse herself, Christina Aistrup Hansen, her colleagues, detectives, victims’ families and friends, as well as one of the survivors. Kobieta została oskarżona o umyślne podawanie pacjentom niewłaściwych dawek leków, co w kilku przypadkach skończyło się tragedią. Produced by SAM Productions and directed by Kasper Barfoed, ‘The Nurse’ stars Josephine Park (Baby Fever, Doggystyle), who plays the Danish nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen and Fanny Louise. ” Meanwhile, Pernille notices that several patients had died during Christina’s […] La enfermera. Her breakout role came in the Netflix series “The Nurse,” where she plays nurse Pernille Kurzmann Larsen. Created by Kasper Barfoed, Netflix’s Danish crime series ‘The Nurse’ revolves around Pernille Kurzmann Larsen, who joins Nykøbing Falster Hospital for her first nursing job. Sådan skrev den dengang 30-årige Christina Aistrup Hansen på Facebook, da hun søndag 1. A história se passa em um hospital na Dinamarca, onde a. Christina Aistrup Hansen was found to be guilty of dosing her daughter with sleeping pills extremely harmful for children her age. Anklager Michael Boolsen ønsker, at den dømte fortsat skal sidde varetægtsfængslet, så hun ikke kan påvirke sagen. However, her personal life is not readily available on the web. comREDES SOCIALES:*Twitter: views, 2. Allí conoce a Christina Aistrup Hansen (Josephine Park), otra enfermera carismática, extrovertida y adorada por sus compañeros, que enseguida se convierte en su ala protectora. The killer nurse was giving patients high doses of morphine and. Mirza. Facebook. Men den 28. Pernille Kurzman opdager hurtigt at nattevagterne med Christina Aistrup Hansen, på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, ikke er som de andre vagter. Image Credit: TV2 East. In the early hours of March 1, 2015, Danish police received an alarming call from a nurse at a provincial hospital. Christina Aistrup Hansen talte dog ikke i skolen om, at hun gerne ville være sygeplejerske, siger hendes tidligere lærer. The most possible reason behind Christina’s innumerable murders seems to be her self-obsession and drive towards being an important figure in the eyes of the other nurses. Måske derfor kan man mærke, at soberhed er et vigtigt element for. 1 - 1. 27. Her background is fairly unknown, which adds to the mystery, but given her brief tenure at Nykøbing Falster Hospital, everyone liked her and vouched for her. On her first day at the job, she encounters the proficient and well-respected nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, who will also be her mentor in her new job at the hospital. dk. The Real Life Christina Aistrup Hansen Is Still in a Danish Prison Completing Her Sentence and Will Be Released in 2028! According to sources, it took Pernille Kurzmann Larsen catching her former friend and mentor Christina Aistrup Hansena red-handed the night before to cause her to plead not guilty on the spot. In May 2017, she was convicted of a single jury trial by the Østre Landsret for three murders and was instead found guilty of attempted manslaughter in four cases. She befriends a charming and charismatic nurse named Christina Aistrup Hansen, who’s held in high esteem by her colleagues and incredible at her job. Christina Hansen may refer to: Christina Roslyng Christiansen (born 1978), Danish handball player. Østre Landsret i Nykøbing. She often works with Christina Aistrup Hansen and the two of them start to be known as the “Dream Team. Cette mini-série danoise en. Send gerne en mail på. Christina Aistrup Hansen was born on 1 January 1984 in . The Nurse, a Danish thriller series directed by Kasper Barfoed, tells the tale of Christina Aistrup Hansen (Josephine Park), a nurse who is convicted of four counts of attempted manslaughter. She's a nurse with a mysterious background. Nu er hun idømt livstid for at have dræbt tre patienter. Tre patienter dog – Christina Aistrup Hansen dömdes Publicerad 18 mar 2019 kl 19. Alle sagens hovedpersoner medvirker i bogen - heriblandt den dømte Christina Aistrup Hansen samt politiets kronvidne, som begge for første gang udtaler sig offentligt om sagen. Not, however, people like Christina Aistrup Hansen (Josephine Park), a superstar nurse beloved in the small town to such an extent that nobody seems to notice how many people die under her care. Her life sentence was handed down. . Here you can read about how Christina Aistrup Hansen lives today. I 2017 blev sygeplejersken Christina Aistrup Hansen idømt 12 års fængsel i Landsretten for drabsforsøg på fire patienter. Sygeplejerske Christina Aistrup Hansen blev i 2015 i byretten idømt livsvarigt fængsel for 3 drab og 1 drabsforsøg på patienter på akutafdelingen på Nykøbing Falster Sygehus. 22,902 likes · 567 talking about this. Christina Aistrup Hansen blev uddannet som sygeplejerske i årene frem til 2009. r. Hun var ifølge kollegaen en flot pige, og hun holdt sig ikke tilbage på arbejdet. Christina is a beloved ER nurse at Nykøbing Falster Hospital. Sygehus, der er blevet kendt. Kristian Corfixen's four-part Danish miniseries draws on a famous senior colleague's book of the same title and tells the frightening story of newly graduated nurse Pernille Kurzmann Larsen, who begins to suspect that Christina Aistrup Hansen is murdering her patients. Nu genfortæller overlæge Niels Lundén, hvad der skete den nat, som overbeviste ham og kæresten om, at der var noget helt galt. The Nurse episode 1 recap: I Will Survive. Hansen was the hospital’s top nurse, adored by all. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on. A minissérie “Enfermeira” é uma produção da Netflix baseada em fatos reais e lançada em 2021. Se levantó una investigación oficial y tras un mes en un caso que involucró a más de 70 testigos, Christina Aistrup Hansen fue condenada por cuatro cargos de intento de asesinato involuntario. 000 billetter blev revet væk på et døgn, men for en særlig gruppe er der stadig billetter at få til kæmpe Springsteen-koncertIn the early hours of March 1, 2015, Danish police received an alarming call from a nurse at a provincial hospital. Østre Landsretten fandt det ikke bevist, at den medicin hun gav dem rent faktisk var dødelig, og nedsatte derfor straffen til 12 års fængsel for fire drabsforsøg. Head Writers Dorte W. È da quella denuncia - seguita a ruota dalle. The Nurse (2023) is a Netflix original miniseries that follows the chilling true story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a nurse in Denmark who was accused of multiple. Craving drama during slow night shifts at the hospital, beloved ER nurse Christina begins to create her own — at the risk of the patients she’s supposed to be caring for. Billie Aistrup. Although the series is devoid of the romantic story that. Soon, other coworkers revealed their own concerns about Hansen. Menneskeligt er det. "Jeg er dømt for noget, jeg ikke har gjort", siger sygeplejersken i bogen. Christina Aistrup Hansen is played by Josephine Park. She suspected her colleague, fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, of deliberately killing patients-and she feared it had just happened again. Hun blev færdig som sygeplejerske i 2009, og under sit praktikforløb på Akutafdelingen på Herlev Sygehus var hendes interesse for det uforudsigelige arbejde på en akutafdeling. Christina Aistrup Hansen. Seriemorder i hvid kittel: Sådan endte Christina som dødens sygeplejerske. In the early hours of March 1, 2015, Danish police received an alarming call from a nurse at a provincial hospital. I Østre Landsret blev hun frikendt for drab, men i stedet idømt 12 års fængsel for fire drabsforsøg. De. I marts i år kunne hun søge løsladelse. Username. 9K likes, 60 loves, 213 comments, 903 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Netflix: Nurse Pernille begins to question the odd behaviour of her colleague, Christina Aistrup. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Flipboard;. Set at Nykøbing Falster Hospital in Denmark, the series tells the true story of Christina Aistrup Hansen, a nurse who in 2017 was convicted of four counts of attempted manslaughter after several. When Pernille Kurzmann began working at Nykøbing Falster Hospital in Denmark, she was fresh out of nursing school and had trouble befriending the more experienced health care workers around her — until she met Christina Aistrup Hansen. Share on pinterest. In the early hours of March 1, 2015, Danish police received an alarming call from a nurse at a provincial hospital. However, it is not long before Pernille starts to doubt Nurse Christina, and she starts to wonder about some strange deaths and how they might be directly linked to the. . . Aniołów Śmierci nie są niestety niespotykane, jednak historia duńskiej pielęgniarki Christiny Aistrup Hansen jest wyjątkowa. She was also deprived of her authorization. The four-part series is based on the true crime book The Nurse: The True Story. Christina Aistrup Hansen's Victims, Who Were They? The first confirmed victim of Christina was 72-year-old Arne Herskov, who had arrived at the hospital on the. Share on twitter. Fanny Louise Bernth as Pernille Kurzmann and Amalie Lindegård as Katja Lorentzen in The Nurse. Soon, other coworkers revealed their own concerns about Hansen. Pielęgniarka - Christina Aistrup Hansen - Zagadki Kryminalne - podcast - Anna Karolina, w empik. The Nurse is based on the book of the same name written by Kristian Corfixen. I løbet af natten mente hendes kollega Pernille Kurzmann Larsen at. The project is based on the true story of nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2016 for four counts of attempted murder of patients at Nykøbing Falster Hospital. Aistrup Hansen er tiltalt for at have dræbt en patient med en overdosis medicin i 2012 og to andre på en enkelt nattevagt på akutafdelingen mellem 28. We say “true” because instead of the heinousness behind her actions, it focuses more upon the reality of how her once friend/mentee […] April 27, 2023. Soon, other coworkers revealed their own concerns about Hansen. Det er sagen om Christina Aistrup Hansen, der i 2017 blev idømt 12 års fængsel for drabsforsøg på patienter på sygehuset i Nykøbing Falster. De sidste ofre var indlagt på sygehuset i februar 2015. Sygeplejerske Pernille Larsen anmeldte kollegaen Christina Aistrup Hansen, der endte med at blive idømt 12 års fængsel for fire drabsforsøg. She suspected her colleague, fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, of deliberately killing patients - and she feared it had just happened again. The show follows the chilling true-story of the graduate Pernille Kurzmann, who starts working in a hospital where she believes their top nurse, Christina Aistrup Hansen, is killing her patients. La vera storia di Christina Aistrup Hansen. Christina Aistrup Hansen fue condenada a 12 años de prisión. (Foto: Auralcrave) Un caso estremecedor que sacudió a Dinamarca y que hasta parece sacado de una película. Foto: TV2 Øst. After her sentence was reduced to 12 years, she is. Særligt et af dødsfaldene var tæt på bare at gå i glemmebogen. As a Netflix original miniseries living up to its title in one of the most haunting ways imaginable, ‘The Nurse’ gives us a true insight into the tale of nurse-turned-killer Christina Aistrup Hansen. Mere end 30 dage gammel. marts 2015 klokken 15. Christina managed to significantly increase her net worth in 2022-2023. She suspected her colleague, fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, of. On the outside, she, she was a successful nurse who knew how to respond in an emergency. In all cases, high dosages of morphine and. Session ID: 2023-11-22:2555da4332d76be6a11d216c Player Element ID: v-65ee64f9-3a95-4456-b235-4cd401837707. As Pernille delves deeper into her suspicions, she starts to believe that Christina’s behavior may be linked to a series of patient deaths. Christina Aistrup Hansen, a former Danish nurse who was born on the 14th of April, 1984. "He was unable to get up and couldn't explain how long he had been lying on the. Christina Aistrup Hansen was a nurse who worked at the Nykobing Falster Hospital in the southern Danish city of Nykobing Falster. februar 2015. Log ind Log ud Køb MenuHansen este suspectată că ucide pacienți de către colegul ei, Pernille. Christina Hansen er ligeledes kendt skyldig i at have. « Sådan lød det fredag fra retsformand Henrik Linde, da han i Retten i Nykøbing Falster fredag formiddag læste op fra de tre juridiske dommere og seks nævninges kendelse, der tog stilling til, om den 31-årig sygeplejerske Christina Aistrup Hansen er skyldig eller skal frifindes for tre drab og et drabsforsøg begået på Nykøbing. Aniołów Śmierci nie są niestety niespotykane, jednak historia duńskiej pielęgniarki Christiny Aistrup Hansen jest wyjątkowa. En lignende sag er aldrig set før i dansk. She suspected her colleague, fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen, of. She is known for saving many lives in the emergency ward, and Pernille feels honored to. Christina Aistrup Hansen (born August 13th, 1984) is a former Danish nurse who was charged with the murder of four patients and attempted manslaughter of a fifth at the Nykøbing Falster Hospital.